Ennakkotieto rahoitushausta 20.3.-19.6.2018: Development of key enabling technologies for biobased products

Uutinen - Julkaistu 21.2.2018

Business Finland ja ruotsalainen Vinnova avaavat 20.3.2018 yhteisen rahoitushaun Teknologiat biopohjaisten tuotteiden kehittämiseen. Tavoitteena on vauhdittaa biopohjaisten materiaalien ja tuotteiden matkaa laboratorioista pilotointiin ja markkinoille.


In this upcoming call, we will support projects that intend to develop enabling process steps for manufacturing of biobased chemicals and materials. The call focuses specifically on technologies that enable moving biobased products and materials from lab scale towards pilot or demo scale.

Typical activities that can be funded include the following:

  • Development of process steps
    • Research and development work
    • Necessary materials and equipment for the R&D work
  • Knowledge on expected market need and techno-economic analysis
  • Networking with other R&D actors (e.g. research visits)
  • Roadmap for utilization of the results and for further upscaling


Primarily manufacturers, suppliers and users of biobased materials, products and services, but also universities, university colleges, research institutes and other relevant actors.

We encourage Swedish-Finnish cooperation projects, which apply to both funding agencies for national funding. The call is also open for purely Swedish and purely Finnish projects, which then apply only to the respective national funding according to the national funding rules. This is a joint call with joint assessment, but projects will need to adhere to formalities of the funding agencies to which they apply.

The project consortium must consist of at least three partners, of which at least two are companies. For cooperation projects, in which both Swedish and Finnish partners apply for funding, at least one partner must be a Swedish company and at least one partner must be a Finnish company.

Call opens: 20.3.2018
Application deadline: 19.6.2018

Lisätiedot: Businessfinland.fi


Julkaistu 21.2.2018

Aihetunnisteet: rahoitus, tuotekehitys