Become a Bioeconomy Youth Ambassador!

Uutinen - Julkaistu 17.5.2022
Are you between 18 and 35 years old and have experience or strong interest in bioeconomy and/or bioeconomy related fields (food systems, forestry, climate change…)? Would you like to contribute to the sustainable and circular transition of Europe?
Apply by 13 June – 11:59PM CET to join the Bioeconomy Youth Ambassadors programme to:
- lead by example, inform and inspire others about sustainable and circular bioeconomy
- reach out to communities, students and civil society, and to engage decision-makers
- work with social media to raise awareness about the role of the bioeconomy in everyone’s life
- raise awareness for the bioeconomy especially in youth communities, support the ongoing youth and education related processes of the European Union
What is the role of Ambassadors?
Youth Ambassadors lead by example, inform and inspire their communities on sustainable circular bioeconomy and bioeconomy related-fields (e.g. food systems, forestry, agriculture, fisheries, bio-based sectors, nature-based solutions, blue bioeconomy, rural development, ecosystem services, climate change, biotechnology…).
They are dedicated individuals or groups of individuals eager to reach out to communities, students and civil society, and to engage decision-makers, and raise awareness on social media to raise awareness about the role of the bioeconomy in everyone’s life.
They reach out to youth communities and support the ongoing youth and education related processes of the European Union.
What concrete activities are Ambassadors expected to undertake?
Bioeconomy Youth Ambassadors are expected to undertake a term of up to two years.
The Ambassadors will:
- Participate in the Summer Camp on 25-27 July 2022 in Brussels.
The Ambassadors will participate in training (EU bioeconomy and communication and outreach activities), plan their future activities as Bioeconomy Ambassadors and begin to work on different sessions of the high-level Bioeconomy Conference.
- Take part in the high-level Bioeconomy Conference on 6-7 October 2022 in Brussels.
Support the European Commission in designing the content for the sessions and contribute to the session introductions and conclusions.
The Ambassadors may also…
- Assist in selecting winners for the creative competition “Bioeconomy in my life”.
Note that this competition will be launched in the coming weeks.
- Participate in various events to carry the voice of youth and the bioeconomy.
Who can become an Ambassador?
The Youth Ambassador…
- Is committed to make positive change and is passionate about bioeconomy.
- Has an experience or strong interest in bioeconomy or bioeconomy-related fields.
An ambassador can be an entrepreneur, innovator, student from high school, college, university or vocational school, artist, professional, researcher and academic, policymaker, non-profit leader, journalist, social media influencer…
- Is a good communicator, and willing to use blogs/videos/social media posts/performances and written articles to raise awareness of bioeconomy.
- Is comfortable with public speaking or expressing their views coherently in written or in any other form of expression.
- Communicates fluently in English.
- Can be an individual or group of individuals (max. 3 people can represent a group).
- Is between 18-35 years old.
- Is legally resident in one of the 27 countries of the EU.
- Is committed to giving time to the Ambassador programme.
What are the benefits of being an Ambassador?
- Possibility to participate in Europe’s sustainability transition hands-on and bringing in their own ideas.
- Visibility for their bioeconomy action on the Bioeconomy events and DG Research & Innovation social media accounts.
- Participation in the Summer Camp and the high-level Bioeconomy Conference (travel costs, accommodation and allowances are covered).
- Communication support e.g. training in Summer Camp.
- Recognition of their role by the European Commission.
- Peer-support from other Bioeconomy Youth Ambassadors and support from European Commission Bioeconomy team.
- Engagement rewarded with a certificate that will be given to Ambassadors during an award ceremony at the Bioeconomy Conference.
How can you become an Ambassador?
Apply here by 13 June, 11:59PM CET, with your CV and fill in the application form.
The selected Youth Ambassadors will be informed by end of June.
If you have questions, please send an email to
Originally published by European Commission May 5th 2022. Link to the news.